Pandemics And Cities

Monkeypox is no friend of the Fed

Monkeypox is no friend of the Fed

Why Monkeypox? Why now? Monkeypox is now in eighty countries []
3 min read
Guns, Covid-19, and Inflation

Guns, Covid-19, and Inflation

Europe’s wars are our wars. And the Ukraine war compounds our Covid war, which is still, to varying degrees
4 min read
The Pandemic Hit on Public Finance

The Pandemic Hit on Public Finance

The emergence of a series of COVID variants this year suggests that we are merely in middle of the pandemic
3 min read
A COVID Lesson on Infrastructure

A COVID Lesson on Infrastructure

Dr. Philip Fischer clearly endorses large infrastructure investments, but thinks that this bill is off target. In his view, the disconnect between the COVID emergency, which we continue to experience, and future investment, is both illogical and dangerous.
4 min read
They’re gonna write a book about this

They’re gonna write a book about this

Dr. Philip Fischer shares his thesis that the two inexorable factors of life, death and taxes, are headed materially higher in this COVID age. What’s going to be roaring here isn’t the flappers but the Fed.
4 min read
If 2020 spells CHAOS, what does 2021 spell?

If 2020 spells CHAOS, what does 2021 spell?

Dr. Philip Fischer shares his thesis that we will overcome the pandemic but at a high cost and that we need to look forward to the other challenges in 2021.
4 min read
Unemployment Messages to the Cities

Unemployment Messages to the Cities

Dr. Philip Fischer provides an assessment of current unemployment, saying that the focus of the unemployment problem is going to be the city’s, which are facing deep population problems.
3 min read